South Silk Road Chinese restaurant mailly sells the cuises at Yunnan and Sichuan provinces of China.
雲之南是佐佐木小姐目前最喜歡的卡加利中餐館, 它主要賣的是雲南和四川菜.
There are thousands of Chinese restaurants in Calgary, there are some reasons why I like this one. Firstly, its varierty and its comfortable dining environment. Secondly, its price is generally very reasonable. Finally, its parking lot is convenient.
Then, let us take a look what I have already ordered but my cellphone could not work. Therefore, I am gonna share some pics from others.
These photos are retrieved from
Here are some delicacies I would like to recommen to you.
這是幾道我覺得是可以點來嘗嘗的. Check the menu
1. No.1 涼拌米線 Yunnan style rice noodle salad
2. No.3 蜂蜜蓮花藕片
3. No.4 夫妻肺片 (很辣) sliced beef and tripe in chili sauce
4. No.9 蜂蜜桂花山藥 sliced Chinese yam with honey and swwet osmanthus sauce
5. No.12口水雞 steamed chicken with chili sauce
7.東坡肉(但我個人吃過一次是覺得有點太乾,我沒有太喜歡) Dong Po Pork( Personally, it was dry when I tried it. However, it is a very famous Chinese delicacy)
8. No.58 東坡肘子(我沒試過,但聽過幾位朋友稱讚好吃) Dong Po pork hock ( I haven't tried it yet, but some friends really like it. If you are wanna try it, please pre-order)
9. No.101 辣子雞 (我個人挺喜歡的,但沒有什麼太太太特別之處)
10. No.159 大酥牛肉(馬特和我都很喜歡,點過兩三次) YUnan styple beef stew. ( I really like it, very tasty)
11. No.202 steamed tilapia with two kinds of chili & 203 special lemongrass grilled fish ( I am from TW, so fish is my facorite)
12. No.218 貴州凱里酸湯魚 Gui Zhou style tomato soup (personally, it is just okay for me, but my friends like it a lot)
13. No 355 豆腐圓子湯 (Tofuball soup)
14. No. 360 (must try ) 汽鍋雞湯 Chicken soup in clay pot
15. No.504 ( must try) 一品菌王湯 mixed wild mushroom soup
Please don't just order flied rice, otherwise you'll miss some ethnical cuisines. :) Enjoy it !
Finally, I found few my own pics